Thursday, October 25, 2007

#20 Youtube

This is more interesting than free to air television. I could spend hours watching the shorts, some are really very cleaver, but as has been said there is a lot of sorting throuh the rubbish. I will be spending some more time at this site in the future. Enjoyed looking at the suggested sites. I searched for craft sites e.g. quilting, and it was great to see how others quilt, I also enjoyed the siamese cat sites, I could have fun with with teasing my cats and watching them searching for the new cat.

#19 Web 2.0 onwards

I had a look at the books category and had a play with . This was an interesting sight to see what was included in the different categories. I loved the rare books and browse options I could spend hours looking at these sights and end up spending a fortune. This is a site for the private collector or someone in the book buying/searching business rather than librarians.

Monday, October 22, 2007

#18 online productivity

I love the free access to these. It is great that there are not multiple copies of the same document saved. In my previous job I could have made great use of this, when designing a document it makes it easy for everyone to be working from the same edition. It should eliminate the risk of an older edition being issued as the final. This could be a project managers dream.

Friday, October 19, 2007

#17 PLaying around with PBWiki

mmm... this gives a new meaning to sandbox (I'm the owner of two cats!!!). I wonder what they would say if I told them I had been playing around in the sandbox. Well i managed to add my blog to the Favorite Blogs page, that was easy.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

#15 On Library 2.0....

Having read a few of the perspectives on Library 2.0 it has left me with food for thought. As a person who likes to look at history this forces me to look at the other end of the spectum ie looking forward.

What interests me is that with the elimination of barrieres to information we as librarians need to look at ways to delilver more efficiently the volumes of information in a user friendly way. Access to information needs to be transparent eliminating policy and proceedure, (anchy?) wip.

#16 Wiki

I love the concept of a Wiki. The Youtub video is great explanation of how it works and how you can make it work for you, this would have been handier if it was up the front. I can not envisage the Wiki replacing the email as information can be edited/changed/deleted by anyone, and vital information can be lost. For example postings which occured previous that have lead up to the current posting.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

#14 Technorati

Technorati it took a while to work out what it does. I guess it would be useful in the corporate world when it is good to know what your compeditor is doing. I can imagine debt collectors, credit people, political parties finding it useful a means to gauge the mood of the public. It is useful if you after alot of information on one topic. I like the way you are able to select or filter out languages and choose the degree of authority you want and each entry has a graded authority.


This is useful if you use the Internet alot as it seems to act as an index of useful sights. I feel that we are trying to reduce everything down to the lowest denominator. It was interesting to explore but at the moment it is not something that I would use, but always good to know that the programme is there. It could have been useful when I was studying, and doing research for clients.

Monday, October 8, 2007

#12 Rollyo

I manged to include my rollyo search engine onto my blog, I can not see it being useful I think I'm a google girl.

#11 Library Thing

I found this interesting as I'm about to put my personal library on a data base. This may be an interesting alternative. I finally got this attached with a little help.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

#10 Online image generator

This was fun. I found a sight which allows you to create your own blue and white delf ware. This interested me as I collect blue and white porcaline for my kitchen. Here is the web address:-

#6 More Flickr fun

Had fun learning about mashups. I realised that I have been using them for a while once I read Wikipedia's definition. A college was surprised when I included a photo taken by her husband on a calander. I think I will play with this Flickr mashups a & 3rd party sites some more.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

New Technologies

Born in 1965 I have seen many new personal technologies in my life time; lap top computers, cd players, dvd players, video players, personal comptuers and microwave ovens to mention a few. It seems that everytime I opem a magazine there is another new technology to get my head around and to impact on my life.